
A journey to become a Better Human

#006 - What is life without a challenge?

Hey Friend,

I'm one of those people who, when I commit to something, I do everything within my control to deliver on that promise. My mom always told me: Let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes,’ and your ‘no,’ ‘no.’ (Matthew 5:37).

Unfortunaltely, even though only 20-30 people read my letters (it's not about the numbers, it's about the principle), I made a commitment to share my thoughts every two weeks, and I haven't done that for the last three months.

I started this project not just as a personal challenge, but because I truly believe it serves an honorable purpose. If, in 50-60 years, I look back and can say I did everything I could to become a better human, I'll die a happy man.

So, if this is so important to me, why did I fail?

Simple answer: No excuses, but I've experienced more unpredictable changes in the last 12 weeks that I could have imagined - a lot of personal stuff (both good and bad) that I had to re-prioritize. I've had to choose to focus on what was most important, and unfortunately, that meant deprioritizing my letters.

Over the last few weeks, I've lived in a state of dissapointment, feeling like I failed myself - and to an extent, that's true based on my original commitment. But considering everything that's been vying for my attention, I know I made the best choice by putting the letters on hold. If I could go back in time, I'd make the same decision. No hard feelings. It's good to be diligent, but it's also important to give ourselves grace.

Failure is not truly failure if we take time to learn from it.

What is life without a challenge?

About 8-10 years ago, I read something that hit me hard, and has stayed with me ever since:

"Great souls are grown through struggles, storms, and seasons of suffering. Be patient with the process". That's from Rick Warren, speaking about how God is never in a hurry. You can read more about it here.

There's a lot of good happening in my life right now: New job, new home, I have the best wife in the world, and we are about to become parents. I'm literally living what I've dreamt of and prayed for since I was a kid. What could be better in life than this?

Yet, there's also a storm of conflict in my mind. On the one hand, there's immense joy, but on the other, there are deep personal struggles - things I wish I could change, but can't control. All I can do is pray, and trust God with the process.

Even though my mind is deeply troubled, my heart is deeply in peace. A peace I can't explain, except as the fruit of this verse:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Whatever may be troubling your mind, sit down, take a deep breath, put your thoughts on paper, reflect on them, and place them in God's hands. Ultimately, He will help you, he will give you that peace that trascends all understanding.

It's His word, His promise, His love.

Big love,

P.S: I won't be sending letters every two weeks anymore; I can't commit to that unfortunately. But I'll still be writing and sharing what's on my heart whenever I find the time to do so (note to self).

Host of How I Met God Podcast🎙️

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