
A journey to become a Better Human

#005 - Becoming a Better Husband

The Dream

Marrying a good, loving man is every woman’s dream - or at least for most women. But that man means different things to different women:

  • Someone loving and caring, not just with her but with everyone around them.
  • Someone with solid character, principles, and values.
  • Someone with firm beliefs and convictions.
  • Someone who listens and pays attention.
  • Someone who is not just smart but wise.
  • Someone they can respect and admire.
  • Someone who is a hard worker.
  • Someone who is family-driven.
  • Someone who is a gentleman.
  • Someone charismatic.
  • Someone romantic.

This sounds like a lot (us men think), but it’s possible.

Are you close to being that man yet?

The Problem

However, if you ask around, most women aren’t happy with their husbands.

What’s the problem?

Assuming the woman married the right man, it’s either one of two options:

  1. The man doesn’t know what his wife wants.
  2. The man knows what his wife wants, but doesn’t want to do much about it.

Let’s solve one problem at a time.

For the first point, the solution is easy: read the list above and chat with your spouse. Make sure you listen and pay attention to what she wants, and what’s important to her, take note, and start to intentionally work on it.

For the second point, it’s an attitude issue that comes from the heart, and thus, it’s a more complex matter.

It’s similar to that exercise goal you committed to at the end of last year. You got your gym membership, you bought new gym gear, and you know all it takes to fulfill your commitment is going to the gym ~3 times a week, but ultimately, YOU CAN’T BE BOTHERED!

The same happens in marriage. You know what you should do, but YOU CAN’T BE BOTHERED.

Are you willing to do what it takes to make your spouse the happiest woman on earth?

The Solution

Men, you will not like to read this but a good marriage, even though it’s based on trust, respect, love, and good communication, one of its core components is sacrifice.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. Ephesians 5:25

Jesus died for the church.

Are you willing to sacrifice your life for your wife? Not just to die for her, but to sacrifice for her every day for the rest of your life? You are meant to honor her, to love and serve her selflessly, unconditionally, and sacrificially, every day, forever.

You don’t want to do the dishes because you’re tired.

You don’t want to be romantic because it feels like a waste of time.

You don’t want to be faithful to her because it’s much easier to satisfy your unrealistic sexual desires on the internet.

You don’t want to listen to her problems because you can’t stop thinking about your problems.

And the list goes on and on.

So are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the greater good? It’s a decision no one else can make for you.

I said you were not going to like reading this, but if you truly care about her, and want to build a marriage that will last a lifetime, you have to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

She will admire you, respect you, and love you forever, no questions asked.


Host of How I Met God Podcast🎙️

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