
A journey to become a Better Human

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A clear voice talking out loud

Have You Ever Heard God’s Voice?

I always heard people say: “God told me this, God told me that”. Honestly, I always struggled with it. I would wonder: Why can’t I hear His voice? For years, I tried to listen to God’s voice - when I prayed, when I meditated, when I read the Bible. Wouldn’t it be great to hear a clear voice talking out loud? Probably that will never be the case, but regardless, I kept telling God I wanted to hear His voice. I wanted to know His will for my life. I wanted to be sure I was doing the right...

As A Man Thinketh [James Allen] - Book 001

Book Name: As a Man Thinketh Author: James Allen Originally Published: 1902 Personal Rating: 10/10 🧠 What the book is about: It’s an invitation to master oneself through mastering our own thinking. Who we are, and what we become in life is not coincidence, but the result of how we manage our thoughts. The book shares simple, yet powerful, and practical ideas for living a better life. It’s written in straightforward language, but beautifully crafted, even poetic at times. 🚀 My thoughts? It’s...
What is life without a challenge?

#006 - What is life without a challenge?

Hey Friend, I'm one of those people who, when I commit to something, I do everything within my control to deliver on that promise. My mom always told me: Let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes,’ and your ‘no,’ ‘no.’ (Matthew 5:37). Unfortunaltely, even though only 20-30 people read my letters (it's not about the numbers, it's about the principle), I made a commitment to share my thoughts every two weeks, and I haven't done that for the last three months. I started this project not just as a personal...
Elderly Couple Holding Hands

#005 - Becoming a Better Husband

The Dream Marrying a good, loving man is every woman’s dream - or at least for most women. But that man means different things to different women: Someone loving and caring, not just with her but with everyone around them. Someone with solid character, principles, and values. Someone with firm beliefs and convictions. Someone who listens and pays attention. Someone who is not just smart but wise. Someone they can respect and admire. Someone who is a hard worker. Someone who is family-driven....

#004 - Easy Choices vs. Hard Choices: A Lifelong Dilemma

Dinner with the King When Daniel and his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were teenagers, they were recruited to serve in the royal palace of Babylon. They came from recognized and well-educated families. But shortly after they started their duties in the king’s palace, they had a hard decision to make. As servants of the king, they were offered food and wine from the king’s kitchen. You can imagine a king’s feast – just like in the movies. When do you get an opportunity to eat food...
selective focus photography of Pinocchio puppet

#003 Our Human Nature: Lies, Cheap Talk and Empty Promises

[Read on] Our Human Nature… Imperfection My friend told me yesterday that she broke up with her boyfriend. Interestingly enough, she was very excited about how amazing this guy was just a couple of weeks ago. He was “the perfect guy”. It turns out he had promised her the moon, but instead, he cheated on her. It doesn’t matter where you go, you hear these stories over and over again in different forms. Dads promising their kids they will go to their game, but never showing up....

#002 - How Do We Become Better at Forgiving?

What's Forgiveness? We all ‘know’ what forgiveness is, but we actually don’t. If you think forgiving is forgetting, you’re wrong. If you think forgiving is avoiding the topic, you’re wrong. If you think forgiving is minimizing the seriousness of the offense, you’re wrong. But there’s one thing we all can most certainly agree on: we all struggle with it. We struggle to ask for forgiveness and we struggle to give forgiveness. Forgiving is hard because when we get hurt, we become resentful, and...
Man holding card with seeking human kindness text

#001 - Kindness is a Sign of Strength

The Morning Rush You’re stuck in traffic. Everyone is rushing, you don’t want to be late for work. People are trying to skip the line, get pass the yellow light before it turns red; everyone’s beeping out of stress and desperation because they’re running late. You know how it is. In the middle of all this, this one guy is trying to get in front of you when there’s almost no space, but you don’t let him. Why should you? He keeps trying, and you keep closing him off. He gets so close that he’s...

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